Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assessment of Oman Air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assessment of Oman Air - Essay Example In addition, Oman Air fleets are up to date and well-organised competent aircrafts with superior quality of designed interiors. The company also introduced ultra modern and innovative technology based equipments in order to retain and enhance the safety of the customers and overall standards of its products along with services. In addition, Oman Air has attained significant achievements while executing its business operations globally. One of the major achievements of Oman Air lies in expanding its business operations around the world and also in attaining authorisation for preservation from some of the renowned bodies such as the Shell Aircraft (UK) and the Airclaims (UK) (Oman Air, 2012). Along with this significant achievement, Oman Air’s ‘Supply Chain Management Operation System and Procedures’ was honoured with â€Å"ISO 9001† authorisation. This particular authorization is an internationally renowned standard for quality management ensuring that the o rganisations have proven their quality performances along with maintaining standards in order to comply with the different requirements of their customers (Oman Air, 2012). In the paper, the assessment of Oman Air has been made on the basis of various assessment tools that include McKinsey’s 7s framework, balanced scorecard system and SWOT analysis. Various recommended changes or modifications of certain aspects of Oman Air such as its organizational structure are proposed and also discussed in the paper. McKinsey’s 7s Framework According to McKinsey’s 7s framework, attempts are taken to create a kind of awareness of major factors that include staff, style, systems, structure, strategies, skills and finally shared values or goals, so that at the time of utilisation or execution of these factors will ultimately assist in the formation as well as help towards attaining the expected outcomes or objectives while executing business operations performed by a particula r business organisation (Witcher & Chau, 2010). In relation to McKinsey’s 7s framework, the structure factor is an important one that divides the assigned tasks and provides various activities for the maintenance of co-ordination among the employees. In order to maintain an adequate structure, Oman Air imparts training to its members or staffs in a well organised manner and thus by delivering proper and efficient training, the company maintains the co-ordination among their members or staffs. In relation to systems, the processes, procedures and methods ultimately make a business organisation to grow and expand. The systems of Oman Air include innovative aircraft manufacturing along with repairing services and also retain a high pattern of technical processes in the most effective as well as in professional manner (Oman Air, 2012). In context to style, the perception of top officials of the business eventually creates a brand image within the organisation. The ideas or the co ncepts that have been initialised by the board members and other senior management officials of Oman Air assisted the company to attain a brand image while executing its business operations globally. In regard to staffs, the activities or the performances of the members or the staffs plays a significant role in order to attain expected outcomes along with

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